Digital Archives
The EverythingPast project will open a window into history by
mapping genealogical data and archival records onto historical maps.
Map Interface
This map-based platform will merge historical maps, genealogical data and archival records, creating a novel way to access historical knowledge through a map interface. It will bring together public and private archives and allow you to discover and curate your own history.
About Us
This project is the fruit of ongoing research carried out by academics from different disciplines at Edinburgh Napier University. Dr Katherine Aske teaches 18th-century literature and cultural history; Sana Bilgrami is a documentary filmmaker, lecturer and visual arts curator; Dr Luigi da Spada is lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Byron Fry is a web developer; David Griggs is a visual anthropologist and web designer; and Nazia Pathan is a PhD student in Machine Learning and Data Science.